For more information about these services, and for pricing (minimum rental $800):

Call or text us at 310.721.9867 or email us at 

Please note that all images on the full website (see tabs above) are also available to be printed. All images are cleared, we have full rights to them.

TELL US WHAT YOU NEED! If you are trying to depict a certain kind of architect, we probably have something that you can use. Not everything is shown here. We actually have some more conventional work available (Cottage Style, Spanish Californian, etc.) that we can also provide if absolutely needed.

“The Wall” Plan 24” X 36” pencil original on vellum

“Hundreds of Hands” 18”x24” printed on glossy paper(and also available to print any size)

“Primitivo” 24” X 36” rendering printed on vellum

“The Wall” Long Section 24” X 36” pencil original on vellum

“Bottom of Ramps” 18”x24” printed on glossy paper (and also available to print any size)

“Primitivo Sculpture” 24” X 36” CADD drawing printed on vellum

“The Wall” Short Section 24” X 36” pencil original on vellum

“LPET Axon” 24” X 36” printed on glossy paper

“Berlin Plan” 24” X 36” CADD drawing printed on vellum

“The Wall” Elevation Oblique 24” X 36” pencil original on mylar

“LPET Rendering” 18” X 36” printed on glossy paper (similar study available on trace paper if needed)

Rolls of construction documents (plans). All cleared. If nice, crisp documents are what you are looking for, we can digitally reprint any of these and dozens more of your choice.

“Smith Landscape” 24” X 36” pencil original on vellum

“Berlin 27” available to print any size.

Many sets of plans (construction documents) of various projects available either as existing 24”x36” rolls (see image above) or for reprint.

“Rednas Perspective” 18” X 24” pencil and markers original on vellum

“Berlin 21b” printed 24x36, color on matte,

also available to print any size.

“Tri•House” printed 24x36, color on matte

“Rednas Pool Section” 18” X 36” pencil and markers original on vellum

“Canal NE” Many in this series printed at 11” x 17” and also available to print any size.

“Canal West” Many in this series printed at 11” x 17” and also available to print any size.

“Rednas Plan” 30” X 42” pencil and markers original on vellum

“MV Landscape” 24” X 36” pencil and markers original on vellum

“MV Landscape” 24” X 36” pencil and markers original on vellum

“MV Landscape” 24” X 36” pencil and markers original on vellum

Various Images, printed 8-1/2”x11” (or larger)

“Hondo Perspective” 24” x 48” Acrylic paint original on canvas

“Hondo Interior Perspective” 48” x 24” Acrylic paint original on canvas

“Hondo Section” 24” x 18” Acrylic paint original on canvas

“Canal Waterfall” Many in this series printed at 11” x 17” and also available to print any size.